Welcome to Jingsheng's Blog. Hi! I'm Jingsheng Lyu. I am studying Automotive Engineering now at TU Berlin.
In this moment, I learn robotics by myself. It's not easy for me. I want to share my experience for you.

Sharing is Learning


Carolo-Cup 2019 in Braunschweig, Germany
Smart TUBE of TU Berlin

All Teams of Carolo-Cup 2019

Glass Car


All model cars in Carolo-Cup 2019

Test in our laboratory

About Me

Name: Jingsheng Lyu

Uni: TU Berlin, Automotive Engineering for Master

Student at 5. semester at TU Berlin

Contact me with E-mail: jingshenglyu@gmail.com

Contact me with Phone: +49 159 06336297

Educational Background

  1. 09.2009-09.2012 JIHUA No.1 High School in Jilin, China
  2. 10.2012-09.2016 Beijing Information Science&Technology University
  3. 10.2016-09.2017 Language School in NRW for German
  4. 10.2017-03.2018 Mechanical Engineering for Master at Lebnitz University Hannover
  5. 04.2018-now Automotive Engineering for Master at TU Berlin

Work Experience

  • 04.2019-now Minijob at Ondori GmbH
  • During Master As a interpreter for Chinese companys
Computer Science Ablity
Programming Language Application
C/C++, ROS and Matlab Automated Driving and Control Engineering
Python Data Structure and Algorithms
HTML and CSS Web Development


Please contact with me, if you also have some interesting experience, questions or projects.